
  • John 18:33-19:22

    The Death of the King

    Each time we read in the gospels, we should be asking ourselves the question, “what does this passage say about Jesus?” Not every passage in the Bible directly relates to Jesus, but the gospel accounts are directly related to Jesus. Though John does not give as much attention to Jesus being king compared to Matthew, he takes time in John 18-19 to lay out the kingship of Jesus.

  • John 6:1-14

    The Great Compassion of Jesus.

    John writes more than thirty years after the other gospel writers with the purpose of revealing Jesus Christ as the Son of God so that all would believe in Him and have life through His name. The feeding of the 5000 is considered the last miracle of Jesus’s Galilean ministry. About a year has passed between John chapters 5 and 6, and Jesus is about a year from His death on the cross at the beginning of chapter 6. Jesus has already been rejected in Judea, while others plot to take His life. The religious unbelief of Jerusalem has formally rejected the very purpose for which Jesus has come. With great compassion, Jesus continues to perform miracles so that people will believe that He is God and have life through His name. By the end of chapter 6, He is fully rejected by Galilee.

  • Psalm 23

    A Song for Those Shepherded by the King.

    Psalm 23 could accurately be called the most well-known Psalm and probably one of the most well-known passages in the Old Testament. We memorize it and recite it at sickbeds and gravesides. When passages become overly familiar, there is a danger that we will miss the details. However, there is needed truth about our great God, power for our godly living, and room to grow to be found in any familiar passage.

  • Psalm 110

    Jesus is David's King.

    It is often observed that rulers' degree of success depends on who they listen to. The people behind the man in an elevated position often matter just as much.