
  • October 6, 2019 - The Gospel of Luke

    The Gospels present the Lord Jesus as the Christ of Israel, the Savior of the world, and the coming King of Kings. Tonight we begin the gospel written by Luke, a first century physician and associate of the apostle Paul.

  • Luke 22:14-23

    This Do in Remembrance of Me.

    Remembering is an essential discipline of living.

  • Luke 2:25-38

    The Wisdom of Anticipation: Old Testament.

    The longer you walk with the Lord as your Savior, the more you long to see Him face to face. This was true of both Simeon and Anna in Luke 2.

  • Luke 16

    Tonight hear testimony of Harry and Lynne Dodd’s missions trip to Germany before a sermon brought by Zach Miley, one of our men training for local church ministry.

  • Luke 2

    The Angels' Announcement.

    Using proper names is very important at announcements of significant life events. When the angels announced Jesus' birth to the shepherds in Luke 2:10-14, the titles they used had intentional significance.

  • Luke 1

    Preparing for a Savior
    The incarnation of the Son of God came at precisely the right time in the exact place to the specific people that God had planned. Luke 1 recounts how God prepared the way for the Messiah’s arrival.

  • Luke 17:3-10

    I Do, But I Won’t: Forgiveness Within the Marriage Covenant.

    Have you ever dealt with a blocked pipe? Water cannot drain where it needs to; instead, all kinds of contaminants can seep into what was clean water. And it stinks, at that! If relationships are a pipe, sin blocks fellowship from flowing between two parties. Proverbs 28:13 says that concealing our sin prevents the Lord's blessing, but confession and forsaking sin clears our relationships with God and others.

  • Luke 18

    Maturing our personal fellowship with God.

    The whole person includes a spirit, soul, and body. Our summer study seeks to understand each part and apply biblical principles to how we grow in each aspect. This will give us confidence that we are doing what we can to please the Lord.

    The spirit is the image of God in a person (Genesis 2:7). It is what makes us an individual. This includes our moral ability, our rationality, our spirituality, and our personality. All of these can be pleasing to God. Jesus said we must worship with our spirit (John 4:23-24), and Paul personally worshiped God in his spirit (Romans 1:9). The development of our spirit is a necessity (Malachi 2:15).

  • Selected Passages from Acts and Luke

    Spiritual Power

    Displays of spiritual power are found throughout the Bible. Today, people search for spiritual power in many ways and from various sources. Christians seek power in prayer and spiritual warfare. In the salvation era, power must be understood in light of Jesus' bodily resurrection. We must not substitute the historical form of spiritual power for its continuing substance.

  • Luke 9

    Who Comes First?

    A disciple is simply someone who follows Christ. Luke 9:57-62 and a parallel passage in Matthew 8:18-22 tell of Jesus' interaction with three different disciples. It is easy to follow Jesus when doing so is popular, but many disciples leave when things become difficult (John 6:66). Jesus' response to each disciple highlights the question of who they will follow first. Each one's heart attitude is revealed in what the Lord says to him.

  • Luke 24

    Walking with the Living Christ.

    In Luke 24, our risen Lord shows mercy and patience to two unbelieving yet religious persons. Many in our day also do not understand the full story of Jesus. Religion always either takes away from Jesus or adds to Him. True Christianity believes that Jesus as revealed in the Bible is enough.

    Cleopas and his friend had been taught by religion that Jesus would be an earthly king. He will rule on earth in the future, but his first coming was to be our Savior. Their understanding of the Scriptures was incomplete.

    Given only part of the story of who Jesus was, these sincere men were left to rely on human reasoning. When Jesus was crucified, they lost hope.