
  • Psalm 9

    Loving the Lord with All of Our Heart.

    In most of Scripture, God speaks to mankind. The poetic books of the Old Testament are unique because in them, man speaks to God. Human authors used the poetic structures available to them in attempts to surpass the limits of human language and recreate their experience with God.

  • Romans 9:19-29

    The Lord Righteously Saves.

    In Romans 9:19, Paul anticipates another question from his readers, then proceeds to dispel any fear or doubt they might have about God's justice in saving. God saves righteously: He is equitable, fair, and just.

  • Romans 9:14-18

    The Saving Mercy of God Settles the Anxious Heart.

    The greatest joys in life are knowing Christ and seeing others meet Him. Yet of equal magnitude in grief is seeing those who hear the Gospel refuse Him.

    Romans 9 shows us how to find our way back to joy. Paul's answer is considering God, His person and His attributes. This will give us the ability to work our way out of any grief.

  • Psalm 12

    God, A Helper Against the Treacherous.

    In whatever change we seek, God seeks to change us.

  • Psalm 136

    God’s Mercy for the New Year.

    A Look Back: God Is Loyal to His People.

  • Psalm 2

    A Portrait of Divine Authority.

    Certain events in life forcefully remind us that we are not in charge. Psalm 2 reveals who is in charge: Jesus Christ, God's Son.

  • Psalm 90 and 2 Peter 3:8-9

    Our Participation in God's Divine Timing.

    “Are we there yet?” Children have no concept of time. How much greater is the gap between our understanding of time and God's. Our lives are as brief as a vapor compared to God’s eternality (James 4:14). What should we do with the time we are given?

  • 1 Timothy 6:15-16

    God is Infinitely Greater than Our Largest Ministry Obligation and Opportunity.

    Believers will have one of two reactions when Christ returns: we will either be confident or ashamed. Paul gives directives to Timothy so that he will be found faithful at Christ's second coming. In 1 Timothy 6:15-16, Paul rehearses several character traits of God which will motivate Timothy's obedience.

  • Psalm 44

    Pastor Kent Hobi: What Should I Do When I Do Right and God Does Not Bless?

    Every true worshiper feels this tension at some point: We are doing the right thing as best we can, yet instead of blessing us, God allows difficult and even harmful things into our lives. Why does God allow bad things to happen to people who are trying to be faithful? God's people have struggled with this question through the ages. The book of Job and Psalm 44 are two examples of wrestling with the circumstances God has allowed.

    What can possibly settle our hearts when God does not act as we expect? This question cannot be worked out in academic theological discussion. The only safe place to approach it is humbly bowed before God in prayer.

  • Genesis 40

    Communion with God alone is enough to help us all combat discouragement.

    According to statistics, about 5% of people across the globe suffer from depression, and over 10% of Americans are depressed. Sometimes depression has a physical cause; sometimes it is caused by circumstances. When our circumstances threaten to discourage us, God’s remedy is spiritual. Though you might not guess on the first read, Joseph’s story in Genesis 40 tells us how to avoid depression and discouragement in our Christian walk.

  • Genesis 10

    God’s sovereign mercy on nations provides eternal opportunity for the Lord’s people.

    Genesis 10-11 are the last 2 chapters in the “Degeneration” section. We have seen the effects of sin on individuals and the family; now we see what sin does to nations. These 2 chapters are not written chronologically but part of a simultaneous narrative. They layer over one another.