spiritual gifts

  • Ephesians 3:7-9

    Theme: We have adequate, divine resources to fulfill Christ’s mission in a way that honors Him.

    Paul continues discussing the resources available to Christians in service of the “mystery.” What was not formerly understood by everyone is now revealed: God offers the Gospel to all the world. Paul’s focus shifts back to his person for these verses – but he is also describing you! All members of the new, unified Christian family have a responsibility to carry out the mission.

  • Ephesians 1:1-2

    Theme: Investigating our Eternal Foundation, part 1

    Why is the church glorious? Because she has a glorious head, foundation, and shepherd – Jesus Christ. When the church is promoted as a marketing tool of social good and philanthropy, she is robbed of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ and His power to save. God’s grace is what makes the church glorious.