Sermon Audio & Review
Romans 8:38-39
Pastor Tim Potter
- Category: Not Ashamed (Romans)
- December 3, 2017
The Impenetrable Love of God.
Romans 8 was written to believers who lived in a society experiencing relative peace and security, similar to what we experience in our day. Often this sense of security gives way to moral relativism. Regardless of society's views, Jesus is always the exclusive way to spiritual peace.
In Romans 8:38-39, Paul lists 3 categories of things that cannot separate us from God's love.
Life Forces
The first thing on Paul's list is death, the final enemy that every person will face. The Bible speaks of 3 kinds of death: spiritual death, physical death, and eternal death. We are all born spiritually dead. If we remain in that state until we die physically, we will face eternal death separated from God (Revelation 20:11-15). In contrast, if we are made alive in Christ, physical death is not the end but a graduation into God's presence (Psalm 116:15, 1 Corinthians 2:9).
Neither can the natural distractions of life separate us from God's love (see Romans 8:35). This is the test of a true believer: Did grace compel them to persevere until the end? There are no quitters among those who are truly born again. Even our own sinful failures serve as reminders of God's abundant grace and forgiveness.
The last life force Paul mentions is angels. These created beings minister physical protection and provision to God's people, usually without our awareness. Even these most powerful of God's creatures could not separate us from Christ's love if they ever wanted to.
Spiritual Forces
The next few things Paul mentions are all references to the realm of fallen angels. These powerful creatures have dominion over the earth, access to the heights of the heavens and the depths of Hell, and they hate God's people with their whole being. Yet even they cannot separate us from God's love. They could not hold Christ in the grave, and they will not prevail against His children (1 John 4:4).
Physical Forces
Paul includes elements of time in his list. There is nothing we have experienced in our life in the past, whether success or failure, or anything we will experience in our present or the future that we should worry about. Nothing in the time-space continuum where we exist can separate us from God's love. What God has done for us is divinely permanent.
Just to cover all the bases, Paul concludes by saying there is no created thing that can separate us from God's love in Christ.
Application Points
- If you have been saved from death, rejoice in all these things that cannot separate you from God's love! He has done all the work for your salvation, and He will keep you secure in Christ through all time.
- If you have yet to know Christ personally, realize that you are in danger of eternal death. You cannot experience true security and peace without Jesus Christ. Please repent of your sin, beg God for forgiveness, and trust Him now.
Tools for Further Study
Cross References to Explore
- 1 Corinthians 15:25-26 – Christ has overcome death.
- Ephesians 6:12, Colossians 2:15, Jude 1:6, Daniel 10:12-13 – Biblical insight about fallen angels.
- 2 Timothy 1:12 – Paul's confidence in Christ's love.
A Hymn to Encourage: "And Can It Be"
And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Savior’s blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain—
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be,
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
He left His Father’s throne above
So free, so infinite His grace—
Emptied Himself of all but love,
And bled for Adam’s helpless race:
’Tis mercy all, immense and free,
For O my God, it found out me!
Long my imprisoned spirit lay,
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray—
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
No condemnation now I dread;
Jesus, and all in Him, is mine;
Alive in Him, my living Head,
And clothed in righteousness divine,
Bold I approach th’eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.