Sunday Evening Series

Join our pastoral staff as they dive deep into God's word.

Tonight hear testimony of Harry and Lynne Dodd’s missions trip to Germany before a sermon brought by Zach Miley, one of our men training for local church ministry.



If God wills, the Gospel will spread and no obstacle, whether it be difficult circumstances or defiant people, will stop Him!


The Great Commission will result in the promotion of believers.


We have the honor to hear from Pastor Dave Shumate of Mexican Gospel Mission International on the work to be done in Hispanic missions.


Tonight Steve and Marcia McLean, missionaries church planting in Wales, are presenting their ministry. They have four daughters, Maggie, Gwyneth, Amelia, and Beatrice.


Pastor Stephen Wess and his wife, Tammi, began Canyon Springs Baptist Church near Las Vegas in 2009. He is with us today to share his church planting ministry.


In this dispensation, Christians must reflect God's heart by sharing the Gospel with every nation and ethnicity.


Tonight we will study Jesus’ heroic acts through the life of Peter as the Rock upon which Jesus builds His church.


The Amazing Power of Jesus as He Protects the Infant Church
