Followers of Christ Experience Transformation by God and Live Governed by His Word.

Christians must be vigilant to maintain a shining testimony of Christ before others who need Him. God has transformed us through His salvation and requires our participation in His ongoing work in us.

In Ephesians 4:22-32, Paul describes the true follower of Christ as someone who knows God’s transforming power and is governed by God’s Word.

Christians experience completed and ongoing transformation by God. (verses 22-24)

Paul reminds the Ephesians (verse 17) that they should not walk like unbelievers because they were not taught Christ in this way (verse 21). And now being transformed in salvation by Christ and no longer slaves to sin (Romans 6:6-7), each is to live freely unto God as the new man, putting off the old way of living and setting their minds on things above (Col. 3:1-2).

In Christ, a believer is no longer the old man but is new in Him with a new nature. Paul instructs us to seek the ways of God which is our responsibility as the new man who has died to the old nature (Col. 3:3-5).

Though we are no longer slaves to sin, we still struggle with a sin nature. The ongoing work of sanctification is done by God, yet we are told in His Word to walk in the Spirit and actively pursue the things of God. We must continue to progress in the renewing of our minds. Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit for this purpose (John 14, Eph. 1: 13-14).

Christians live governed by truth, the Holy Spirit, and forgiveness. (verses 25-32)

We are transformed by God, and we are also governed by God’s Word which is the truth. Paul encourages the Ephesians to live a life governed by truth that reflects the transformation God has already accomplished in each one.

Truth in Community Unifies

Truth defined by the Word of God affects community. Paul says to lay aside falsehood and to speak truth for when truth is replaced with falsehood, death occurs (Zech. 7-8). God will remove His presence from a church that is characterized by falsehood.

Falsehood can take many forms: hypocrisy, partial truth, flattery, silence, gossip, slander, legalism, people pleasing, and even elevating personal preference above the Word of God.

Our minds, words, conversations, actions, and interactions must be shaped by the Word of God, for truth unifies a church while falsehood divides it. We ought to consider how careful we are to lay aside falsehood and to speak the truth.

A Right Response to Falsehood

There is a right response to falsehood within the church. Paul teaches the Ephesians to respond to falsehood around them but not to sin in their anger (Psalm 4).

To be angry without sinning is the commanded response to falsehood within the church. Righteous anger is possible only when rooted in God’s perspective on sin and having a disposition like Christ’s.

Believers are warned not to be governed by anger, giving the devil opportunity, but to be governed by God’s Word.

Paul contrasts two types of lives. The first is characterized by harmful actions and destructive speech which not only hurts the church body but also grieves the Holy Spirit. The second is marked by kindness and edifying words which grows the community in Christlikeness.

Forgiveness is a Command

Paul commands believers to forgive, reflecting the kind of forgiveness we have been given in Jesus Christ. A forgiving heart demonstrates submission to God’s Word, reliance on the Holy Spirit, and more closely reflects Jesus Christ and His work in us.

Each member of the body is to be governed by truth and to put away falsehood, speaking in response the Word of God within the church community. When we react to falsehood within the church, we are not to let our righteous anger according to the Word of God lead us to sin. We are to live governed by the Word of God, the truth, and the Holy Spirit, freely forgiving as we have been forgiven much by Christ.

Application Points

  • Do you allow for others in the church body to struggle with sin while longing for repentance? This church body should be a refuge for sinners, but never a haven for sin.
  • How careful are you to speak the truth according to the Word of God? Are you examining your life, laying aside falsehood? Are your words building up the church body?
  • Have you allowed the sin of unforgiveness to harden your heart? Believers are commanded to forgive just as they have been forgiven by Christ.

Tools for Further Study

Cross References to Explore
  • Romans 6; Col. 3; Eph. 3, 5