
  • Matthew 17-18

    Tonight we continue our chapter-by-chapter investigation into the book of Matthew.

  • Matthew 17:1-23

    The Word of God Must Direct our View of Life's Experiences.

  • Matthew 16:21-27

    Jesus the King defines the terms of being His disciple.

  • Matthew 16:13-20

    "Who is the Son of Man?" Jesus asked His disciples this most important question in a unique setting at Caesarea Philippi. What is your answer?

  • Matthew 13

  • Matthew 12

  • Matthew 4:12-25

    Jesus is a King like no other, with the divine right to rule your life.

    The book of Matthew was written to a Jewish audience to convince readers that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Our passage immediately follows Jesus' coronation (His baptism by John) and His testing by God. Unlike any other king, Jesus performed perfectly under the test. He resisted the tempter, commanded his worship, and finally banished him.

    What will the reign of this King be like? Matthew 4:12-25 shows the first three acts of King Jesus which set the tone for His rule.

  • Audio: Matthew 28:19-20

    Our exclusive mission: making disciples to the ends of the earth.

  • Matthew 1:18-25

    God longs to do supernatural things through simple people serving their Savior together.

    What kind of man would God the Father choose to be the earthly father of His Kingly Son? Simple descriptions from Matthew 1 reveal the noble character of Joseph, who would otherwise be an obscure character in history. From his example, we can learn the nobility of simple service in our local church. Our chief end is not self-promotion but to give glory to God. The best thing we could ever hear is for our Savior to say that we glorified Him and allowed Him to work through us for eternal purposes. Anything else is only a temporary achievement and ultimately failure.