
  • Ecclesiastes 6:10-12

    Wisdom’s Direction for the Questioning, Hurting Heart.

    Life is a gift from God to be lived on purpose with joy. Our joy must be connected to living according to God’s Word (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

  • Ecclesiastes 6:1-9

    Wealth and Eternal Purpose.

    In Ecclesiastes 6:1-9, Solomon applies wisdom to apparent injustices that can cause roadblocks in our lives. It is common to find people who seem to have everything but are not satisfied. Solomon gives two examples: a single man and a married man. Ultimately, we will see what it means for a believer to embrace the good material possessions God has given us.

  • Isaiah 2 & 10

    Key Passages on God’s Delight and Dislike

  • Ecclesiastes 6

    Eternal Purpose in the Midst of Apparent Injustice.

    The next section of Ecclesiastes we will study is Ecclesiastes 6:1-8:15. The beginning of chapter 6 instructs us how to navigate life's apparent divine inequalities. The message of the book is consistent: God's people must persevere in enjoying God and His blessings, even when God seems unfair.

  • Isaiah 9 & 11

    Isaiah’s Contribution to Our Understanding of the End Times

  • Ecclesiastes 5:8-17

    Wisdom Addressing Bureaucracy and Wealth.

    Ecclesiastes 5:8-17 show that God is comfortable talking about politics and finance. These topics often cause tension, but we can converse confidently about what God says about each of these areas of human life.

  • Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

    Wisdom for Worship.

    This week, our study of Ecclesiastes moves from chapter 4's examination of oppression, competition, isolation, and position to adoration in chapter 5. While living through the difficulties of a broken world, God wants us to know His will and be refreshed when we come to worship Him. Solomon shares 3 aspects of wisdom to prepare our hearts for worship.

  • Theology of the End Times in Isaiah, Part 2

    Tonight we continue our study on Isaiah’s contribution to our understanding of the end times.

  • Ecclesiastes 4:13-16

    The Transient Nature of Power and Popularity.

    Neither popularity nor position are permanent. Ecclesiastes 4:13-16 teaches us to avoid unrealistic expectations regarding both.

  • Ecclesiastes 4:7-12

    Avoiding Self-Inflicted Loneliness.

    The next section of Ecclesiastes we will preach illustrates the importance of companionship where isolation reigns.

  • Theology of the End Times in Isaiah, Part 1

    The Applicable Themes, continued with Eschatology

  • Ecclesiastes 4:4-6

    Balancing the Desire to Compete.

    Much of life is about balance. Solomon reminds us of the need to balance work and family, avoid over-competitiveness, and find the mean between being workaholics and lazy.

  • Psalm 139

    Meditating on Who God Is for a Godly Rest

  • Ecclesiastes 4:1-3

    Two Are Better Than One.

    Solomon's examination of the apparent anomalies and contradictions that confront our lives every day continues in Ecclesiastes 4. Walter Kaiser describes the progression of thought from chapter 3 to chapter 4 as follows:

  • Theology of Salvation in Isaiah

    The Theology of Salvation. Isaiah presents God who is working to redeem people from their sin and transforming them to be like His Son.

  • Ecclesiastes 3:11-22

    God’s Wisdom in the Natural Rhythms of Life.

    We have divided the third chapter of Ecclesiastes into 3 sections.

    • God's Providence in the Natural Rhythms of Our Life
    • The Perspective of God's Wisdom
    • The Plain Truth of Applying God's Wisdom

    This week, we will examine several plain truths to apply God's wisdom to our lives.

  • Psalm 119

    You Need to Approach God's Word as Essential to Your Relationship with Him and Relevant to Your Daily Life.

    One thing you can find almost anywhere you go, including in hotel rooms, is a Bible. When a person opens a copy of God's Word, what should they expect? How do you approach the Bible?

  • Theology of Man in Isaiah

    Theology of Man and His Worldview in Isaiah. Isaiah demonstrates that man is constantly frustrated because of his inflated view of self and his inability to control his own destiny.

  • Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

    God's Wisdom in the Natural Rhythms of Life.

    God has a personal plan for each person within His larger plan. Sometimes this truth is hard to believe when we go through confusing or difficult circumstances. Just as there is a purpose for each piece within a large model of a plane or ship, there is purpose in every aspect of your life.

  • Ecclesiastes 5:18-20

    A Joyful Disposition Regardless of Life's Circumstances.

    The next section of Ecclesiastes that we will study is chapters 3-5. First, we look at the summary at the end of the section, Ecclesiastes 5:18-20. Notice the multiple synonyms Solomon uses: rejoice, enjoy, and gladness. Those who are walking with God will be known for their joy. Those who are not walking with God will be known for grumpiness.