
  • Theology of Sin in Isaiah

    The Theology of Man’s Sin - Isaiah depicts sin as self-exalting rebellion against the Holy God Who offers saving grace.

  • Ecclesiastes 2:12-26

    The Only Life Purpose that Truly Satisfies

  • Theology of God in Isaiah

    The Theology of God - Magnifying the Grace of God as We See His Holiness

    Pastor Steve's Slides

  • Ecclesiastes 2:1-9

    The Pitfalls of Finding Satisfaction in Just Having Fun.

    Finish this statement for yourself: "I would be happy if I had _________."

    We know already from our study of this book that nothing created can satisfy the immaterial part of us, our souls, because we live in a fallen world. The Lord wants us to pursue knowledge of all kinds, although knowledge alone will not leave us ultimately fulfilled.

  • Luke 22:14-23

    This Do in Remembrance of Me.

    Remembering is an essential discipline of living.

  • 2 Timothy 1, Part 2

    Purposeful Hands and Feet of Effective Ministry.

    Last week, we learned 4 spiritual anchors that children need from their moms, and spiritual progeny need from their mentors, after salvation. This week, we will see what those 4 principles look like in developing effective servants of the local church.

  • 2 Timothy 1:3-14

    A Godly Mother's Ultimate Joy.

    The investment of a mother or grandmother has far-reaching spiritual results. Though this message is oriented towards Mother's Day, every believer can learn from godly ladies. The best gift a mother can give is an introduction to the Savior, Jesus Christ. This fills the primary need of any child. 2 Timothy 1:3-14 shows four spiritual anchors that children need from their moms after salvation. The quality of our children's future depends on our understanding of these principles (whether biological children, adopted, or spiritual).

  • 2 Peter 3

    Knowing God is growth in godly living, especially as the Day of Judgment approaches.

  • Psalm 52

    Why does boasting evil flourish? What is God going to do about the evil in this world?

    It's easy to feel defeated when we see wickedness in the world. How can a loving God allow such evil to prevail? What must the righteous keep in mind to combat the anger and rage at wickedness?

  • 2 Peter 2

    By having a true knowledge of God you can recognize a false teacher and avoid becoming one yourself!

  • Ecclesiastes 1:12-18

    The Finite Influence of Human Wisdom.

    We are expected to pursue human wisdom and enjoy that pursuit while understanding that only God's wisdom will satisfy us in Jesus Christ.

  • Resurrection Sunday: 2 Corinthians 3:14

    Easter Sunday.

    There is profundity in simplicity. Our world is complicated, but God's plan to lead us back to Himself is simple. Human ways to God only lead to destruction.

  • 2 Peter 1:12-21

    If you are to have an informed and intimate relationship with God, then it must be grounded in God’s Word.

  • Palm Sunday: John 12

    Jesus' unique identity creates the paradox that is Palm Sunday.

    The church today does not and cannot celebrate Palm Sunday in the same way the original participants did. When the crowds cried, "Hosanna, save now," they were crying out for immediate deliverance from the Romans. The church celebrates Jesus' unique identity which was magnified that day. Palm Sunday gave a window into the hearts of those around Jesus as they responded to who He was.

  • 2 Peter

  • Ecclesiastes 1:4-11

    Philosophical Diversions that Impede Living Life on Purpose.

    Human wisdom robs our joy. Left to our own thinking, life doesn't make much sense. Lived with God's wisdom, life can be enjoyed.

  • Ecclesiastes 1:3

    Four Philosophical Diversions that Impede Living Life on Purpose.

    Ecclesiastes 1:3-11 could be interpreted quite negatively. If the purpose of the book is to help us know how to live with joy, this cannot be the ultimate interpretation. This passage exemplifies 4 thought patterns that can rob our joy. Unbelievers can approach these negatively or positively. How should believers respond to these thoughts?

  • Outline of Ecclesiastes 1

    Four Philosophical Diversions that Impede Living Life on Purpose.

    In every period of time, God gives His people time to stop, worship, and celebrate. Nehemiah 8:1-12 shows one of those occasions. The nation of Israel was back from exile, rebuilding Jerusalem, and celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. Scholars tell us the book of Ecclesiastes was usually read publicly at this festival. Nehemiah's admonition to the people to rejoice, not grieve, is a similar message to Solomon's. The best way to enjoy life is to enjoy it with God, by living according to His Word. Conviction should be a quick work, with grace then bringing joy.

  • Acts 28:17-31

  • Ecclesiastes Overview, Part 3

    Living Life on Purpose.

    It's important to understand the God of wisdom before trying to understand practical living. Ecclesiastes has much to say about who God is.